Thursday 10 January, 2013

Where you rank socially?

Klout logo.svg
Our parents have friends (well not Facebook ones) but real human ones, some funny, some ever-complaining and some reliable. This same architecture we have in our life too, only difference is in this "tech" age, our friends are electronic from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and so on. For some we are those funny ones, for a couple of friends we are the complaining and then the popular ones.

So where do we rank with our e-reputation or as Klout refers to "influence"? Visit and see for yourself. 

Wikipedia describes Klout as:
Klout is a San Francisco-based company that provides social media analytics to measure a user's influence across his or her social network. The analysis is done on data taken from sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, and measures the size of a person's network, the content created, and purports to measure how other people interact with that content. [Source: Wikipedia]
Your Klout number depends on your interactions within your registered social networks. My klout score is shown below. Whats yours?

There are similar tools like, Kred Influence Measurement and PeerIndex, but i liked Klout the most.

Do note: in order to access Klout, you need to register with your FB/Twitter etc logins and also link these accounts for accurate estimation and needless to say all these registrations and linking are over secure connections and nothing is saved with Klout.

Dont hesitate to leave your comments below.


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