Tuesday 15 June, 2010

Satyam CEO's wife email fraud!!!

Hi All, first of all a simple question! How does it feel when a CEO (in this case Ex-CEO) emails you for financial help or asks for your bank account to transfer money?? Feeling blessed!! Sounds similar?? 

Well this post is actually related to such "money transfer" emails with a twist! This has the name of Ramalinga Raju and her wife asking for your bank account! The "money transfer" trick finally percolated to the Indian scenario. WOW.

The email read:

My name is Radha  Ramalinga,I am the wife of B. Suryanarayana Raju Ramalinga,the younger brother of Byrraju Ramalinga Raju,former chairman,founder and owner of Satyam Computers.

I do have a proposal for you,which would be of immense financial benefits to you and I.

My husband and his brother are currently in big trouble in India,I need your assistance to help me move some funds from Holland to India  or anywhere where it would at least be of some help to our family.

I would give you more details of this proposal if you show yourself willing to take on it,I assure you that you would most certainly be compensated but please I would kindly request you to keep this matter confidential.
I am currently here in the UK where it is a bit safe for me and my kids.
You can reach me on my personal email id which is apdream1@gmail.com

Yours sincerely,
Namaskar, Yours sincerely etc etc are well included to pretend as if it came with a honest intention but the user forgot to take care of the email ID. Poor fellow!

Do find a screenshot of the original mail below!

This is just an precaution to all not to take any action on such mails.

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