Sunday 1 June, 2008


+ Many of us who have been victim of data theft, forgery, illegal access know the value of using computers as a bank “safe”. Yes its true that in a PC you cannot store valuables like cash or jewellery but the computer can be well used as for storing your “keys” to your valuables...

Yes, you guessed it right --- PASSWORDS. Many of us store Passwords and Important information on a PC. Now a day around cent percent of offices, institutions, banks or any commercial organization use computers to keep a account and records of transactions, company details etc. With the integrity of information, arises the requirement of security, HARD CORE SECURITY.

Many of us use third party software like (Winlocker, Bootlocker etc) in order to safeguard the booting process of Windows. These software snakes the system in the booting process ask for a password to continue the booting process. Some of these softwares much smarter than they look. They send user data once the system has booted though emails if the user is connected to the internet.. Then what happens we all know. Is there any alternative???...

Yes there is !!!
GOTO Start >> Run >> type SYSKEY
The following window opens.:

Click on UPDATE and select PASSWORD STARTUP:
Enter your desired password twice in the boxes provided and finally clicking on OK saves the settings. From the next time you boot your system a popup opens (just after the Windows XP Boot up animation) asking for password to continue.

The update window appears as below.:

Did you find this post useful?? Words from the readers are always welcomed..


t Sunday, June 01, 2014 2:06:00 pm  

Thanks for the information. Really useful!

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