Sunday 30 August, 2009

Ten months on, Conficker still prowls the world.

Ten months on, Conficker still prowls the world 
John Markoff  August 30 2009, Times of India Bangalore
It is still out there. Like a ghost ship, a rogue software program that glided onto the internet last November has confounded the efforts of top security experts to eradicate the program and trace its origins and purpose, exposing serious weaknesses in the worlds digital infrastructure. 
The program, known as Conficker, uses flaws in Windows software to co-opt machines and link them into a virtual computer that can be commanded remotely by its authors. With more than five million of these zombies now under its control government , business and home computers in more than 200 countries this shadowy computer has power that dwarfs that of the worlds largest data centers. 
Alarmed by the programs quick spread after its debut in November, computer security experts from industry, academia and government joined forces in a highly unusual collaboration. They decoded the program and developed antivirus software that erased it from millions of the computers. But Confickers persistence and sophistication has squelched the belief of many experts that such global computer infections are a thing of the past.
Its using the best current practices and state of the art to communicate and to protect itself, Rodney Joffe, director of the Conficker Working Group, said. We have not found the trick to take control back from the malware in any way. 
Researchers speculate that the computer could be generating vast amounts of spam. There is also another possibility that concerns them: That the program was not designed by a criminal gang, but instead by an intelligence agency or the military of some country to monitor or disable an enemys computers. NYT NEWS SERVICE

Saturday 8 August, 2009

Healthy Tech :: What you should know about Swine Flu.

Hello Friends...
Its hardly couple of days and India is already gripped by the infectious palm of Swine Influenza. A death in Pune, then several detected positive of this Virus. Pune, West Bengal, Mangalore and now Gujarat... The Swine Flu's Reign is expanding slowly.. 

Without taking much of your healthy time, Here i am listing out some links which would be helpful for you to understand this epidemic and also to stay away from it.. Do go through and shield yourself of the effects of this flu.

Link 1: World Health Org.: 

Link 2:
Link 2.1: 

Link 3:

Link 4: SwineFluIndia:

Link 5: SwineFlu India:

Link 6: Google Search Results: 

Take Care. Take good care of Swine Flu.
- Blog Admin.

Tuesday 4 August, 2009

Teenage Internet Addict Beaten to Death in China.

Teenage Internet Addict Beaten to Death in China
Tech2 [], August 4, 2009

A teenager in a Chinese camp meant to help people fight Internet addiction was beaten to death by camp workers.

Public security authorities in south China's Guangxi Zhuang said they have detained four people in Nanning City in association with the death of the teenager.

The detainees, all workers from the Nanning-based Qihang Salvation Training Camp, are suspected of beating 15-year-old Deng Senshan to death, a police official said.

Deng Senshan's father said that his son surfed the Internet all day every day and he was at wits' end about how to handle the child.

"Several days back, I saw an ad for the training camp on TV claiming it could help children kick Internet addiction, so I decided to give it a try," Deng senior said.  

Tiny battery traps solar power to run a house for 24 hrs.

Tiny battery traps solar power to run a house for 24 hrs
Times of India Bangalore, August 4, 2009

A small disc could be the solution for the efficient and cheap storage of the suns energy.
A Utah-based company has found a new way to store solar energy in a small ceramic disk which can store more power for less. Researchers at Ceramatec have created the disk, which can hold up to 20-kilowatt hours, enough to power an entire house for a large portion of the day.
The new battery runs on sodium-sulfur a composition that typically operates at greater than 600F. Sodiumsulfur is more energetic than lead-acid , so if you can somehow get it to a lower temperature , it would be valuable for residential use , Ralph Brodd, an independent energy conversion consultant, says.

Ceramatecs new battery runs at less than 200F. The secret is a thin ceramic membrane that is sandwiched between the sodium and sulfur . Only positive sodium ions can pass through, leaving electrons to create a useful electrical current. Ceramatec says that batteries will be ready for market testing in 2011, and will sell for about $2000. The disk has not yet been manufactured for residential use, but the creators have spoken optimistically about the possibility.

The convergence of two key technologies solar power and deep-storage batteries has profound implications for oil-strapped the US. These batteries switch the whole dialogue to renewables, said Daniel Nocera, professor of energy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who sits on Ceramatecs advisory board. AGENCIES

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