Sunday 29 March, 2009

Dont let Malwares FOOL YOU on April 1st.

Antivirus firms like Avast (goto and others have already issued warning to its users to be aware of the April 1st Worm which comes in disguise tempting you to click and finally installing itself on your dear system making it paralysed in a way or other...

For more details goto

Be safe be guarded from these nuisanses.. Follow the tips & tools mentioned below and you will be 97% secured..!!!

Tip 1:
Update the virus database of your antivirus software to at least 31st March 2009. COMPULSORY...

Tip 2:
Install a good Antispyware software like Spybot [FREE], Adaware etc
If you already have a antispyware solution.. UPDATE it atleast to the above mentioned day.

Tip 3:
For complete peace of mind.. install DeepFreeze and relax.
About DeepFreeze::
Deepfreeze is a magical tool, which guarantees safety of your data even in case of the deadliest emergencies...
Once you activate Deepfreeze, any updation, changes made to the system either accidently or willingly is discarded and restored to the stage when Deepfreeze was installed.

Get the standard version from

Tip 4:
Even if you are hesitent towards the ill iffects.... Well dont connect to the internet on April 1st. 

Please go through for more tips on how to be safe... online.

Queries??? Shoot at me.

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