Thursday 12 November, 2009

Cough into your cellphone and get diagnosed.

Cough into your cellphone and get diagnosed
Chidanand Rajghatta | TNN | November 11 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

Seattle: There may be a small change in etiquette a few months down the line. Cover your mouth with your cellphone , instead of your hand, when you cough; your mobile may be able to tell whether you have a cold, a flu, some other respiratory ailment, or if its just an irritated throat. 

A research company that proposes using acoustic vocalization analysis software to measure and interpret cough characteristic of pneumonia has won a $100,000 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, one of 76 projects named by the Foundation in its third funding round of its Grand Challenges Explorations.
The proposal is just one of several emerging ideas that could turn the cellphone into a medical diagnosis tool, eventually replacing a stethoscope (which may not be around to celebrate its bicentennial in 2016) and even becoming a personal scanner.
STAR Analytical Services two-page application on Using Acoustic Analysis of Cough to Diagnosis Pneumonia was one of 3,000 proposals the Foundation recognized as falling outside current scientific paradigms and having the potential to lead to significant advances in global health , criteria for winning the prestigious grant.
In their application, Stars researchers Suzanne Smith and Joel MacAuslan said analyzing distinctive cough sounds with new software (based on a pre-recorded data base of thousands of coughs of all kind of ailments from people of both sexes, all ages, and other variables), could lead to dramatic improvements in the management of respiratory illness in the developing world and interrupt epidemics far more rapidly.
For instance, such a tool could enable a mother in the distant African outback or Indian village without immediate mode or means of transportation to transmit the sound of her childs cough by cellphone to a city hospital, where a doctor checks this vital sign and determines the course of action. 

Cough is one of the most common symptoms of illness and a common mode of disease spread, yet we dont use technology in any way to measure or understand what coughs mean, Smith said, adding that for acute infections, measuring cough could become as familiar as recording temperature .
If the proposal leads to successful software tools, cough measurement may become one more vital sign available by phone. Already, researchers have been toying with mobile phones to monitor vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and oxygen saturation readings. 

The cellphone is perfect because its like a wristwatch that you carry around, says Shankar Sastry, dean of engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, whose lab has dramatically advanced facial recognition algorithm. The obvious advantage with the cell phone he said was it can also can access and communicate information.
Eventually, experts are predicting that people will start to take control of health monitoring and maintenance , altering the dynamic of health care and changing the physician-patient relationship.

Virus can exploit your PC for child porn.

Virus can exploit your PC for child porn
Pranksters, Paedophiles Can Tap Comps Without Users Knowledge To Remotely Store Their Stash
November 10 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

Of all the sinister things that internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography .
Heinous pictures and videos can be deposited on computers by viruses the malicious programs better known for swiping your credit card numbers. In this twist, its your reputation thats stolen. Paedophiles can exploit virus-infected PCs to remotely store and view their stash without fear theyll get caught. Pranksters or someone trying to frame you can tap viruses to make it appear that you surf illegal websites.

Whatever the motivation, you get child porn on your computer and might not realize it until police knock at your door.
An Associated Press investigation found cases in which innocent people have been branded as paedophiles after their coworkers or loved ones stumbled upon child porn placed on a PC through a virus. It can cost victims hundreds of thousands of dollars to prove their innocence.
Their situations are complicated by the fact that actual pedophiles often blame viruses a defense rightfully viewed with skepticism by law enforcement.
One case involved Michael Fiola, a former investigator with the Massachusetts agency that oversees workers compensation . In 2007, Fiolas bosses became suspicious after the internet bill for his state-issued laptop showed that he used 4 1/2 times more data than his colleagues . A technician found child porn in the PC folder.
Fiola was fired and charged with possession of child pornography , which carries up to five years in prison. He endured death threats and he was shunned by friends. Fiola and his wife fought the case, spending $250,000 on legal fees. They liquidated their savings, took a second mortgage and sold their car. An inspection for his defense revealed the laptop was severely infected. It was programmed to visit as many as 40 child porn sites per minute an inhuman feat. While Fiola and his wife were out to dinner one night, someone logged on to the computer and porn flowed in for an hour and a half. Prosecutors performed another test and confirmed the defense findings. The charge was dropped 11 months after it was filed.

At any moment, about 20 million of the estimated 1 billion internet-connected PCs worldwide are infected with viruses that could give hackers full control , according to security software maker F-Secure Corp.
Paedophiles can tap viruses in several ways. The simplest is to force someone elses computer to surf child porn sites, collecting images along the way. Or a computer can be made into a warehouse for pictures and videos that can be viewed remotely when the PC is online.
But paedophiles need not be involved: Child porn can land on a computer in a sick prank or an attempt to frame the PCs owner. In the first publicly known cases of individuals being victimized, two men in the UK were cleared in 2003 after viruses were shown to have been responsible for the child porn on their PCs. AP

Sunday 8 November, 2009

Virtual goods start bringing in real cash.

Virtual goods start bringing in real cash
Netizens Pay Hard Money To Get Ahead In Online Games Or To Give Friend A Gift
Claire Cain Miller & Brad Stone | November 8 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

San Francisco: Silicon Valley may have discovered the perfect business: charging real money for products that do not exist. These so-called virtual goods, like a $1 illustration of a champagne bottle on Facebook or the $2.50 Halloween costume in the online game Sorority Life, are no more than a collection of pixels on a Web page. 

But it is quickly becoming commonplace for people to spend a few dollars on them to get ahead in an online game or to give a friend a gift on a social network. Analysts estimate that virtual goods could bring in a billion dollars in the US and around $5 billion worldwide this year all for things that, aside from perhaps a few hours of work by an artist and a programmer , cost nothing to produce.
Its a fantastic business, said Jeremy Liew of Lightspeed Venture Partners , a venture capital firm that has invested $10 million in several virtual goods companies. Because its digital, the marginal cost for every one you sell is zero, so you have 100 percent margins.

The companies that create and sell virtual goods, including Zynga, Playfish and Playdom, three online gaming startups in the San Francisco area, say they are recording significant revenue and profits, which have been elusive for many web companies.
Virtual goods have been popular in Asia for years. In the US though, only ardent video game fans spent money on them, mostly for swords and spells in virtual fantasy realms. That is rapidly changing, driven by the popularity of widely appealing games for social networks like Facebook and mobile phones like the iPhone.
The people playing these games on social networks dont define themselves as gamers they are just killing time, having fun, Liew said. 

In Restaurant City, a game by Playfish on Facebook, 18 million active users manage their own cafe and stock it with virtual casseroles and cakes. In Zyngas game FarmVille, 62 million agrarian dreamers cultivate a farm, plant squash seeds and harvest their crops with tractors . These games and many others have casual gamers reaching for their wallets , along with a few rationalizations, as they make the peculiar purchase of pixels on a computer screen. 

Its an experience, like going to the movies. Thats how I describe it, said Sara Merrill of Parsonfield, Maine, who plays Pet Society on Facebook with her two young sons five times a week.
Recently, the family used a credit card to buy $20 worth of the games currency , then bought items like a haunted mirror and a potion that helped their pet, Demon Baby, grow bat wings. Its still cheaper than taking the kids to Target where they will ask for a toy, she said.
Some game fans claim that in some cases, virtual goods can be better than the real thing. Jamie Kwong, a 13-yearold in Altadena, California, spends hours a week on a paper doll site called Stardoll, buying dresses and handbags. She created Juillet606, with brown eyes and hair to match her own. Unlike the actual paper dolls she used to play with, the tabs do not rip off. 

With Stardoll it all stays on there, my brother cant get on it, and everything is good, she said. NYT NEWS SERVICE 

> Analysts estimate that virtual goods could bring in a billion dollars in the US and around $5 billion worldwide this year all for things that, aside from a few hours of work by a programmer, cost nothing to produce 

> The companies that create and sell virtual goods, including Zynga , Playfish and Playdom, three online gaming start-ups , say they are recording significant revenue and profits, which have been elusive for many web companies

Saturday 7 November, 2009

Tech isnt causing social isolation.

Tech isnt causing social isolation
November 7 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

Washington: Contrary to popular belief , technology is not leading to social isolation and Americans who use the internet and mobile phones have larger and more diverse social networks, according to a new study. All the evidence points in one direction , said Keith Hampton, lead author of the report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Peoples social worlds are enhanced by new communication technologies. 

The study found that 6% of Americans can be described as socially isolated lacking anyone to discuss important matters with. That figure has hardly changed since 1985, it said. The diversity of peoples core networks tends to be 25% larger for mobile users and 15% larger for basic internet users, and even larger for frequent Internet users. AFP

Thursday 5 November, 2009

What happens to your inbox after you die.

What happens to your inbox after you die
November 5 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

Melbourne: Saving that parting email from your first love in your inbox Well, chances are, after you pass away, your spouse and the entire family will know about the long-held secret.
This is because web email services like Hotmail and Gmail do not let users specify what should happen to their messages when they die. 

In fact, email services owned by internet giants like Google and Microsoft have a policy of keeping your data after you die and letting your next of kin or the executor of your estate access it. These services can hold tens of thousands of messages.
Accounts with Gmail can hold up to 7GB or roughly 70,000 emails with a small to medium picture attached to each and they archive the messages youve written as well as received. When it comes to deleting the data, Microsofts Hotmail will remove an account if it is inactive for 270 days, while Gmail leaves the responsibility to the next of kin. Of the top three providers, only Yahoo refuses to supply emails to anyone after the user has died. The users next of kin can ask for the account to be closed, but cannot gain access to it.
A Yahoo spokesperson said the only exception to this rule would be if the user specified otherwise in their will. 

Meanwhile, social-networking site Facebook has recently publicised a feature called memorialisation that lets the family of deceased users keep their profile page online as a virtual tribute.
MySpace, on the other hand, says it addresses the issue of family access to sensitive data on a case by case basis . ANI

Monday 2 November, 2009

Green battery runs for years.

Green battery runs for years
November 2 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

Washington: Scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed a new, environmentally friendly silicon-air battery capable of supplying non-stop power for thousands of hours without needing to be replaced.

Created from oxygen and silicon, such batteries would be lightweight, have an unlimited shelf life, and have a high tolerance for both humid and extremely dry conditions
Potential uses include medical applications (example, powering diabetic pumps), sensors and microelectronics structured from silicon. Silicon-air batteries will be used like the ones already in use today , said lead researcher Yair Ein-Eli . But by using silicon a safe, non-toxic , stable and more common material we can create batteries with infinite shelf life and high energy capacity, he added.
Silicon-air batteries would be able to provide savings in cost, weight as they lack the built-in cathode used in conventional batteries. ANI

Sunday 1 November, 2009

Facebook wins $712m in damages.

Facebook wins $712m in damages: 
November 1 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

Facebook has won $712 million in damages after a California court ruled against a spammer for trying to get personal information from the users of the social networking website. The court ordered Sanford Wallace to pay Facebook the money after the company complained that he had used the site to induce members to click on messages that appeared legitimate but were actually designed to capture personal information.

Saturday 31 October, 2009

Wearing your cellphone on hip weakens pelvic bones.

Wearing your cellphone on hip weakens pelvic bones 
October 31 2009 | Times of India Bangalore 

Accra: Are you wearing the cellphone on the waist belt If yes, think twice.
In a new research, health experts have warned that wearing a cellphone on ones belt could lead to decreased bone density in the area of the pelvis that is commonly used for bone grafts.

The report, carried out by Tolga Atay and colleagues of Suleyman Demirel University in Turkey, is one of the first to document bone-weakening effects of cellphone use.
However, the researchers said that the findings were preliminary , said GNA. Even though findings have not been conclusive, the World Health Organisation and scientists have called for precaution in the use of cellphones.
It would be better to keep mobile phones as far as possible from our body during our daily lives. With long-term exposure , electro-magnetic fields from cellphones could weaken the bone, potentially affecting the outcomes of surgical procedures using bone grafts , the report said.
The report said the researchers measured bone density at the upper rims of the pelvis in 150 male cellphone users who carried their phones on their belts. Out of the 150 men, 122 carried their phones on the right side and 28 on the left side and they had all used cell phones for an average of six years. PTI

Drive your car simply by using a smartphone.

Drive your car simply by using a smartphone
October 29 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

Sydney: Want to be James Bond Well, you can imitate him to a certain level thanks to a newly developed iPhone app that allows a driver to control a full-fledged passenger car just via his or her smartphone.
Created by German university researchers to take part in an American military driverless car challenge, the amazing automotive app can let a user drive a vehicle remotely via one of the clever phones. Although the iPhone controlled car has been under development for some time, it is only now that the researchers have released a YouTube video featuring the remarkable app in full action. 

The clip shows an iPhone screen featuring a steering wheel and brake and accelerator buttons, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. ANI

Now, machine helps to have breakfast in bed.

Now, machine helps to have breakfast in bed
October 29 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

London: For all those who feel too lazy to prepare their own morning meals, scientists have come up with a machine in the style of Wallace and Gromit that automatically cooks breakfast, including an omelette, toast and freshly squeezed orange juice. 

The 15-metre long device was created by Yuri Suzuki, 26, a design teacher in London, who worked at the Royal College of Art, along with Masa Kimura, 28. The gadget, developed in the Platform 21 exhibition centre in Amsterdam, saw contributions from scores of helpers and designers. It cooks up omelettes from scratch before toasting bread, which it can butter and add jam to depending on taste. Also, the early morning pick-me up of coffee is available at no extra effort as well as freshly squeezed orange juice. 

Suzuki, who was born in Tokyo and has lived in Hackney, east London , for three years, said that Hollywood films had inspired him to come up with the device. He also said that it should be possible for lazy people to come up with their own version of the device. If someone wanted to make one for themselves it might not leave you that out of pocket, the Telegraph quoted him as saying.
We bought a lot of the stuff from a car boot sale, so it didnt cost that much in total the project was probably 900. When you look at movies like Pee Wee Herman and Back to the Future , there are breakfast machines in them.
It was completely automated, it worked on its own.
It is absolutely massive and is 13 metres by three metres and in total took 88 hours to build, spread over 11 days it was an incredible effort, he added. ANI

New midair threat: fire from batteries in gadgets.

New midair threat: fire from batteries in gadgets
Christine Negroni | October 28 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

Battery fires in personal electronic devices can be scary. But if a battery ignites on a plane, the risks are much greater.
With more people traveling with an assortment of portable electronics sometimes a plane has more devices than passengers fires are occurring on airliners with increasing frequency. More than half of the 22 battery fires in the cabin of passenger planes since 1999 have been in the last three years. One air safety expert suggested that these devices might be the last unrestricted fire hazard people can bring on airplanes.
This month, the Federal Aviation Administration along with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issued special advisories to airlines about yet another gadget: the credit card readers that many have begun to issue to flight attendants to ring up sales of food, drinks and other amenities. 

While airlines have used portable credit card readers for several years, the FAA said earlier this month that they needed approval from the agencys hazardous materials division. Like the majority of hand-held consumer electronic devices, the readers are powered by rechargeable lithium batteries, which the government considers hazardous.
While no fires from credit card readers have been reported , the list of spontaneous combustion events with other devices reads like a thriller. Last month, a portable DVD player was dropped on an American Airlines flight, causing a fire. In March 2008, a United Airlines employee placed a flashlight in the storage compartment of a Boeing 757 at the Denver airport. A report said the flashlight exploded like gunshots , turning the on-off switch into a projectile.
In 2004, an ABC News camera exploded on a plane being used by presidential candidate John Edwards. A seat caught fire, causing an emergency return to the airport. Even more events go unreported, authorities said. NYT NEWS SERVICE

Wednesday 21 October, 2009

Malware within: Hackers embed PCs at point of sale.

Malware within: Hackers embed PCs at point of sale 
October 20 2009 | Times of India Bangalore

Washington: Tens of millions of US computers are loaded with scam security software that their owners may have paid for but which only makes the machines more vulnerable, according to a new Symantec report on cybercrime. 

Cyberthieves are increasingly planting fake security alerts that pop up when computer users access a legitimate website. The alert warns them of a virus and offers security software, sometimes for free and sometimes for a fee.
Lots of times, in fact theyre a conduit for attackers to take over your machine, said Vincent Weafer, Symantecs vicepresident for security response.
Theyll take your credit card information, any personal information youve entered there and theyve got your machine, he said, referring to some rogue softwares ability to rope a users machine into a botnet, a network of machines taken over to send spam or worse. 

Symantec found 250 varieties of scam security software with legitimate sounding names like Antivirus 2010 and Spyware-Guard 2008, and about 43 million attempted downloads in one year but did not know how many of the attempted downloads succeeded , said Weafer. 

In terms of the number of people who potentially have this in their machines, its tens of millions, Weafer said.  
It was also impossible to tell how much cyberthieves made off with but affiliates acting as middlemen to convince people to download the software were believed to earn between 1 cent per download and 55 cents., which has been shut down, had boasted that its top affiliates earned as much as $332,000 a month for selling scam security software, according to Weafer. REUTERS

Saturday 19 September, 2009

Soon, drug to wipe out bad memories.

Soon, drug to wipe out bad memories 
John Harlow  | Times of India Bangalore | September 14 2009
Scientists believe they could one day be able to create a drug to remove unhappy or embarrassing memories, from the death of a pet to childhood teasing or a failed love affair.
Research by Andreas Luthi, of the Friedrich Miescher Institute in Switzerland , has found that, after receiving treatment, laboratory animals stopped being scared of sounds associated with electric shocks, indicating the memories had been erased.
They had been given a drug that dissolves a sheath around the amygdala, an organ in the brain where mammals store memories of fear.
Joseph LeDoux of New York University said human brains had similar sheaths and that drug treatment and therapy could help human sufferers overwrite memories with cheerier thoughts.
A memory-cleansing pill formed the plot of the Oscarwinning film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, in which Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey erase memories of their soured love affair.
Ashok Hegde, a neurologist at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, said mockery topped many peoples lists of the memories they want to erase. SUNDAY TIMES, LONDON

Friday 11 September, 2009

HongKong is worlds spam capital .

HK is worlds spam capital 
September 11 2009, Times of India Bangalore
Hong Kong: Hong Kong is under siege from legions of zombies attacking people with spam and leaving in their wake a trail of destruction costing millions of dollars a year, analysts have warned.
It sounds like the plot of a surrealist B-movie but it is the worrying scenario computer users are facing in a city which has been awarded the title of spam capital of the world.
The problem has taken a sinister new twist with the rise of so-called zombies computers infected by a virus that are sending reams of spam, or unsolicited emails, without their users knowledge.
There are an estimated 4,000 zombies active in Hong Kong and their criminal puppet masters use them to fire off thousands of messages offering products ranging from jewellery to pornography . AGENCIES

Monday 7 September, 2009

Nokia's Linux-based N900 Is Now Official.

Nokia's Linux-based N900 Is Now Official.
By: Shayne Rana   |   Aug 28, 2009 |
Finally the Nokia N900 has made an official appearance as the company has marked the next phase in the evolution of Maemo software with the new device recently. Taking its cues from the world of desktop computing, the open source, Linux-based Maemo software delivers a PC-like experience on a handset-sized device.

The Nokia N900 has evolved from Nokia’s previous generation of Internet Tablets and broadens the choice for technology enthusiasts who appreciate the ability to multitask and browse the internet like they would on their desktop computer. Running on the new Maemo 5 software, the Nokia N900 is designed to empower users to have dozens of application windows open while running simultaneously and taking full advantage of the cellular features like the touch screen and QWERTY keyboard.

>> For the full article Click Here.

Sunday 30 August, 2009

Ten months on, Conficker still prowls the world.

Ten months on, Conficker still prowls the world 
John Markoff  August 30 2009, Times of India Bangalore
It is still out there. Like a ghost ship, a rogue software program that glided onto the internet last November has confounded the efforts of top security experts to eradicate the program and trace its origins and purpose, exposing serious weaknesses in the worlds digital infrastructure. 
The program, known as Conficker, uses flaws in Windows software to co-opt machines and link them into a virtual computer that can be commanded remotely by its authors. With more than five million of these zombies now under its control government , business and home computers in more than 200 countries this shadowy computer has power that dwarfs that of the worlds largest data centers. 
Alarmed by the programs quick spread after its debut in November, computer security experts from industry, academia and government joined forces in a highly unusual collaboration. They decoded the program and developed antivirus software that erased it from millions of the computers. But Confickers persistence and sophistication has squelched the belief of many experts that such global computer infections are a thing of the past.
Its using the best current practices and state of the art to communicate and to protect itself, Rodney Joffe, director of the Conficker Working Group, said. We have not found the trick to take control back from the malware in any way. 
Researchers speculate that the computer could be generating vast amounts of spam. There is also another possibility that concerns them: That the program was not designed by a criminal gang, but instead by an intelligence agency or the military of some country to monitor or disable an enemys computers. NYT NEWS SERVICE

Saturday 8 August, 2009

Healthy Tech :: What you should know about Swine Flu.

Hello Friends...
Its hardly couple of days and India is already gripped by the infectious palm of Swine Influenza. A death in Pune, then several detected positive of this Virus. Pune, West Bengal, Mangalore and now Gujarat... The Swine Flu's Reign is expanding slowly.. 

Without taking much of your healthy time, Here i am listing out some links which would be helpful for you to understand this epidemic and also to stay away from it.. Do go through and shield yourself of the effects of this flu.

Link 1: World Health Org.: 

Link 2:
Link 2.1: 

Link 3:

Link 4: SwineFluIndia:

Link 5: SwineFlu India:

Link 6: Google Search Results: 

Take Care. Take good care of Swine Flu.
- Blog Admin.

Tuesday 4 August, 2009

Teenage Internet Addict Beaten to Death in China.

Teenage Internet Addict Beaten to Death in China
Tech2 [], August 4, 2009

A teenager in a Chinese camp meant to help people fight Internet addiction was beaten to death by camp workers.

Public security authorities in south China's Guangxi Zhuang said they have detained four people in Nanning City in association with the death of the teenager.

The detainees, all workers from the Nanning-based Qihang Salvation Training Camp, are suspected of beating 15-year-old Deng Senshan to death, a police official said.

Deng Senshan's father said that his son surfed the Internet all day every day and he was at wits' end about how to handle the child.

"Several days back, I saw an ad for the training camp on TV claiming it could help children kick Internet addiction, so I decided to give it a try," Deng senior said.  

Tiny battery traps solar power to run a house for 24 hrs.

Tiny battery traps solar power to run a house for 24 hrs
Times of India Bangalore, August 4, 2009

A small disc could be the solution for the efficient and cheap storage of the suns energy.
A Utah-based company has found a new way to store solar energy in a small ceramic disk which can store more power for less. Researchers at Ceramatec have created the disk, which can hold up to 20-kilowatt hours, enough to power an entire house for a large portion of the day.
The new battery runs on sodium-sulfur a composition that typically operates at greater than 600F. Sodiumsulfur is more energetic than lead-acid , so if you can somehow get it to a lower temperature , it would be valuable for residential use , Ralph Brodd, an independent energy conversion consultant, says.

Ceramatecs new battery runs at less than 200F. The secret is a thin ceramic membrane that is sandwiched between the sodium and sulfur . Only positive sodium ions can pass through, leaving electrons to create a useful electrical current. Ceramatec says that batteries will be ready for market testing in 2011, and will sell for about $2000. The disk has not yet been manufactured for residential use, but the creators have spoken optimistically about the possibility.

The convergence of two key technologies solar power and deep-storage batteries has profound implications for oil-strapped the US. These batteries switch the whole dialogue to renewables, said Daniel Nocera, professor of energy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who sits on Ceramatecs advisory board. AGENCIES

Sunday 5 July, 2009

World’s ‘toughest’ phone unveiled.

World’s ‘toughest’ phone unveiled
Times of India Bangalore, July 4th, 2009
Land Rover has unveiled what it says is the world’s strongest phone, after the gadget survived being dropped from a tall building, stood on by an elephant, and roasted in an oven. Called the new S1 mobile, the ‘indestructible’ device was developed after the car giant teamed up with phone manufacturer Sonim.

Sunday 28 June, 2009

Websites crash as fans pay tribute to Michael Jackson Online..

Websites crash as fans pay tribute to Michael Jackson Online.
Hindustan Times - June 26, 2009
The Internet suffered a major slowdown as millions of thronged to news websites and blogs to pay their tribute to the legendary artist or to get the latest update on the controversy surrounding his death., a popular celebrity gossip website was the first to break the story following a tip-off that a paramedic had visited the singers home. At 11:30 pm LA times, the website reported Jackson's demise which led to massive surge in the online traffic causing the website to crash several times.
Millions of users who looked up the star's name on Google or Twitter were met with an 'error page'. According to the BBC site, Google's trends page showed that searches for Michael Jackson had reached such a volume that in its so called "hotness" gauge the topic was rated "volcanic". The BBC news website reported that traffic to the site at the time of Jackson's death was 72 per cent higher than normal.
BBC also reported that before Twitters servers crashed, TweetVolume noted that "Michael Jackson" appeared in more than 66,500 Twitter updates. According to initial data from Trendrr, a Web service that tracks activity on social media sites, the number of Twitter posts on Thursday afternoon containing "Michael Jackson" totaled more than 100,000 per hour.
This incident re-confirms the growing influence of social media in today's aggressively net savvy world and has established its edge over not only the print but also the television media to deliver important information to a wider audience in a fraction of minutes, or even seconds.

Monday 8 June, 2009

No porn for Indians on Microsoft's new search engine Bing.

No porn for Indians on Microsoft's new search engine Bing.
Yahoo News India - Jun 8, 2009
Washington, June 8 (ANI): Indian netizens will not find any explicit images and videos on Microsoft's new search engine Bing because the company has blocked them for Internet users in countries where pornography is banned.

This feature now works only when a user says that he/she is an English-speaking American, Canadian or Australian.

"We determined the list of countries for which sexually explicit results are restricted based on analysis of where such are restricted by local law, but we did not take these actions in response to specific government demands or regulations," Fox News quoted a Microsoft spokesman as telling the Indian Web site

However, the "ban" can apparently be reversed if the country-localizing page to see the images can be changed to those of the countries where the search engine returns dozens of explicit images and videos.

Other countries where the results were filtered featured most of the Islamic world, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and what Microsoft calls "Arabian" countries. (ANI)

Tuesday 28 April, 2009

TechDatabase goes Indian...

The Bangalore TechDatabase - Techawareness from Bangalore to the world.

Well this was the blog name till yesterday ie, April 28 2009. Today is a fresh day bringing new ideas, new changes... One of the change is visible.


Why?? -  Firstly, its because currently i am in Bangalore, so the name is The Bangalore Database. But when i will change my location?? Then i will  be reporting from a different location..!!

People say whats in the name>?? But i believe the name has it all. And changing of frequent names doesnot seem nice

And Secondly... I realised late, that i belong to a much greater domain named India.

Welcome to the New and Improved TechDatabase.

Wednesday 1 April, 2009

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Internet has touched every corner of human life not to mention our everyday belongings like mobile phones... 
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Sunday 29 March, 2009

Dont let Malwares FOOL YOU on April 1st.

Antivirus firms like Avast (goto and others have already issued warning to its users to be aware of the April 1st Worm which comes in disguise tempting you to click and finally installing itself on your dear system making it paralysed in a way or other...

For more details goto

Be safe be guarded from these nuisanses.. Follow the tips & tools mentioned below and you will be 97% secured..!!!

Tip 1:
Update the virus database of your antivirus software to at least 31st March 2009. COMPULSORY...

Tip 2:
Install a good Antispyware software like Spybot [FREE], Adaware etc
If you already have a antispyware solution.. UPDATE it atleast to the above mentioned day.

Tip 3:
For complete peace of mind.. install DeepFreeze and relax.
About DeepFreeze::
Deepfreeze is a magical tool, which guarantees safety of your data even in case of the deadliest emergencies...
Once you activate Deepfreeze, any updation, changes made to the system either accidently or willingly is discarded and restored to the stage when Deepfreeze was installed.

Get the standard version from

Tip 4:
Even if you are hesitent towards the ill iffects.... Well dont connect to the internet on April 1st. 

Please go through for more tips on how to be safe... online.

Queries??? Shoot at me.

Sunday 11 January, 2009

REMOVE Write-Protect Restriction in Pendrives & Memory Devices in JUST 6 Seconds.

Memory cards, Pendrives, External Storage drives etc.. All these has simplified our lives greatly in terms of portable storage. But there are the illeffects too.
The main unwanted illefect is "Drive is write-protected..." error.

This "Write-protected error" is caused by several ways.. Sometime intentionally (like u want to block and writing of data in the removable storage device) and sometime by its own (virus attacks, software malfunction etc).

Now if you are doomed with such an error, you didnt implement.. Then..??
Well then you are at the right place to solve the problem that too in just 6 seconds ONLY..

The tool used is a shareware named "USB Antivirus"

The Trial version will do it all.
USB Antivirus as the name says is an antivirus for the Autorun Viruses which affect the memory devices most often. Along with this, it also has several other useful features like :
1. Scans harddrives and removable devices for autorun viruses.
2. Shows currently running processes.
3. Disable/enable autorun of memory devices.
4. Disable/enable usage of any USB Device.
5. Unlock processes using a memory device, which may be prohibiting the safely remove process.
6. Immunity - so as to prevent most virus infection on memory devices.
7. FixSystem - restore registry settings altered by viruses.
8. Disable/enable WRITE-PROTECT feature so as no viruses can copy itself to the device.
>> Download the tool from

After downloading the software. do follow:
Step 1.
 Install the shareware program "USB ANTIVIRUS".
Step 2.
Click on "TOOLS" button, then on the tick-box indicating "Disable writing data to the usb storage devices". The screenshot is provided below.
If the box is ticked unclick it, in order to disable the Write-protect feature.
Thats it... Its done, and now you can use ur removable device as before.

TechDatabase bears no responsibility or any type of connection with the developer of USB Antivirus. The tool has been used just in order to simplify the task. 

Monday 5 January, 2009

Be 98% Safe, Online... An ExtensiveGuide.

VIRUSES, TROJANS, PHISHERS, DIALERS, STEALERS, SPYWARE, ADWARE, MALWARE etc etc. the list is endless which can harm your system to the core and forcing a basic computer or internet user to cloud him/herself with the nightmares of system formatting.

All these said virtual micro-organisms can be safeguarded with just a few careful tips, tricks and softwares...

Firstly Some careful advise:
1. Dont consider Antiviruses, antispywares, browsers are install-and-forget tools. They also need your attension. Update the virus database regularly if not daily.
2. If u receive any mail indicating from your Bank Account.. BE ALERT.. cross check with the bank website and check the text "We dont send emails asking for ID n Password verification...". If this text is there then DONT proceed with the mail you rreceived. That can be a fraud.
3. If u are proceeding with an online payment where u have to input your debit card or credit card details.. be alert that no keylogger is running and also that the Firewall and Antivirus/Antispyware are running.
4. DONT CLICK on ads just like that. It would trigger an malicious script.. If u find an AD interesting, search for the website address and manually type and browse the site..

Secondly Some softwares,  
These are the most tested and proved effective softwares you can use it at first thought... and most of the softwares are free or open source...

1. Firewall 
(Comodo Firewall Free, or ZoneAlarm Free Firewall)
2. Antispyware etc 
(Windows Defender or Spybot Search and Destroy or AdAware Free, all free versions)
3. AntiVirus 
(Avast HOME or AVG Free)
4. USB security tool/s
(USB Disk Security-PAID)

Priority 1 
Comodo Firewall

Comodo Internet Security offers 360° protection against internal and external threats by combining an enterprise class packet filtering firewall, and an advanced host intrusion prevention system called Defense +. CIS subscribers also receive the Remote Malware Removal, PC Tune Up and Expert Installation and Configuration services AND enjoy secure connectivity from any wireless location with the TrustConnect service. When used individually, each product delivers superior protection against its specific threat challenge. If used as a full suite of packages, they provide total security for your computer.
> Download Comodo Firewall Free from
>> You can try ZoneAlarm Free from

Priority 2 
Antispyware Tool.
Spybot - Search & Destroy can detect and remove spyware of different kinds from your computer. Spyware is a relatively new kind of threat that common anti-virus applications do not cover yet. If you see new toolbars in your Internet Explorer that you didn't intentionally install, if your browser crashes, or if you browser start page has changed without your knowing, you most probably have spyware. But even if you don't see anything, you may be infected, because more and more spyware is emerging that is silently tracking your surfing behaviour to create a marketing profile of you that will be sold to advertisement companies. Spybot-S&D is free, so there's no harm in trying to see if something snooped into your computer, too.

Spybot-S&D can also clean usage tracks, an interesting function if you share your computer with other users and don't want them to see what you worked on. And for professional users, it allows to fix some registry inconsistencies and offers some extended reporting features.
> Download Spybot from
>> You can try Adaware or Windows Defender from

Priority 3
Avast Home Edition

avast! is a package of applications that aim to protect your computer from a possible virus infection. If you use it correctly, periodically, and in coordination with other programs such as data backup utilities, it should ensure that you radically reduce the risk of your computer being infected by a virus, and thus avoid losing your private data.
> Download and register free from
>> You can try AVG also from

Priority 4
USB Security Tool
USB Disk Security - PAID

USB Disk Security provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. USB Disk Security is the best USB antivirus software to permanently protect offline computer without the need for signature updates, but other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer.

This light and easy to use solution is 100% compatible with all software and doesn't slow down your computer at all. You pay USB Disk Security once and get it all, however, other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year.
> Download USB Disk Security trial from
>> An free alternative is also available named USB Firewall, works the same. Get it by clicking here
>>>There are several other tools you can search online.. but this is the best.

I have been using these tools for the last couple of years and believe me till now i have experienced least problems.

wishing you less threats.
comments welcomed.

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